best of the joy of painting

The late Bob Ross delights and encourages the painting hobbyist. The soft-spoken Ross paints natural scenes, including his trademark "happy" clouds, mountains and trees, while soothingly offering words of encouragement to those painting at home.

Showing airdates for Best of the Joy of Painting from Thursday, May. 9 to Thursday, May. 16

Moonlit Serenade

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4:30 amThursday, May. 920244:30:002024-05-09 04:30:00
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Nicholas Hankins paints a gnarled old tree adorned with Spanish moss as it stands sentinel over a moonlit stream in this moody Bob Ross landscape.

Mountain River

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10:30 amThursday, May. 9202410:30:002024-05-09 10:30:00
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Far-away mountains appear to float in the clouds as Bob Ross paints a gently flowing river in the foreground.

Mountain River

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10:30 pmThursday, May. 9202422:30:002024-05-09 22:30:00
Show Episode Info

Far-away mountains appear to float in the clouds as Bob Ross paints a gently flowing river in the foreground.

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